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Provide back-to-school supplies with the Kids In Need Foundation

Providing school supplies for kids in need nationally

Acerca de este Oportunidad benéfica

The Kids In Need Foundation mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need. 

  • Founded in 1995, has distributed nearly $900 million in school supplies, directly benefiting 5.4 million students and more nearly 200,000 teachers annually.
  • MSN Causes honors Kids in Need for the work they do to help kids start each school year on an even playing field, equipping them with supplies for success.

We invite our readers to support Kids in Need and ensure a great back-to-school season for all kids!

Causas en este Oportunidad benéfica


Roseville, Minnesota, 55113-1139, United States

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