Freeman House is a service providing both residential and community based programs for adults experiencing homelessness and/or addiction. In particular, we provide a residential rehabilitation service, services in the community and intensive support for people without homes (both before and after a crisis). Freeman House is committed to the provision of quality services that promote positive change in people’s lives. Our services are underpinned by evidence-based case management, creative programming, counselling and other therapeutic interventions aimed at providing an environment which encourages people to take control of their own destiny.
Here is a snap shot of some of the aspects of our work:
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation
We offer a three to 12 month service known as the Longer Term Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Service. During this time clients are required to live on-site and participate fully in the compulsory elements of the rehabilitation schedule. The schedule consists of individual and group counselling, case management, art and music therapy, mindfulness and meditation sessions, physical activities such as gym, yoga and outings including visits to local National Parks. The various therapeutic groups are aimed at exploring individual thoughts, feelings and behaviours, providing education, assisting the development of personal living skills, self-reflection and personal development.
The addition of new detox beds in 2015, and a partnership with the University of New England School of Rural Medicine, School of Health and Social Work is expanding our program and capacity in this area further.
Working with people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Freeman House provides outreach case management for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Case management is provided to men and men with children in the Armidale-Dumaresq Local Government Area. We can assist with support and advocacy, and assist with saving tenancies or seeking new tenancies.
Supporting people in their community
Case management also assists people who are at risk of, or who have experienced homelessness in the community to keep their homes. Our case managers work with people in the community to support their physical, social, financial and emotional needs. The Drug and Alcohol Community Support Service offers clients individual case management, counselling, advocacy and the opportunity to participate in life skills and education groups. The service aims to support clients to become more self-sufficient, source employment, education and other services, to reconcile past issues and improve confidence. The Community Support Service focuses on harm minimisation strategies with the ultimate goal of abstinence.
The clients in our programs have seen great benefits from our strengths-based approach to working with people. We have seen reductions in the number of people dependent on drugs and alcohol, improvement in psychosocial outcomes and improved connections within the community and to services.