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Support UNICEF Emergency Response to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe


Reports from the aftermath of Cylone Idai continue to paint a devastating picture for the children and families of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Flooding caused by the Tropical Cyclone Idai’s weather system since early March have affected more than 3 million people, including 1.5 million children. As of March 25, 503 deaths were reported; 293 in Mozambique, 154 in Zimbabwe and 56 in Malawi. Additionally, there are an estimated 174,000 people displaced in Malawi and Mozambique.

From installing temporary health centers and child friendly spaces to restoring life-saving water supplies in cities like Beira, Mozambique, UNICEF is on the ground working with local government and partners to respond to the immediate needs and ensure the recovery of these devastated communities.

UNICEF is operating emergency response programs in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. Through its emergency response efforts, UNICEF will support children and families in some of the following ways:
- Treat 1,150 children expected to be acutely malnutrition in the flood affected area with ready-to-use-therapeutic food (RUTF) in Mozambique;
- Assist more than 1,230 affected children and young mothers with psychosocial support and protection in Zimbabwe; and
- Provide 204 tents to be used as temporary schools, along with more than 1,000 school in a box sets and 1,000 recreation kits to help children play together safely in Malawi

While the full extent of the cyclone’s impact remains uncertain, what is certain is that through your donation, UNICEF can be there to provide whatever children will need in the coming months and years of recovery. Donate today to help UNICEF reach those most in need.

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