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US Association for UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)

Washington, District of Columbia

Every minute, 8 people flee their homes to escape war, violence and persecution. Every minute, 8 people lose almost everything – their homes, livelihoods, belongings and families – and are left with only their lives. The United States Association for UNHCR (USA for UNHCR) supports the UN Refugee Agency's humanitarian work to protect and assist refugees around the world. We strive to meet the needs of the world's most vulnerable people, building support and awareness in the United States for UNHCR's life-saving relief programs. Established by concerned American citizens, USA for UNHCR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The United States Association for UNHCR (USA for UNHCR) supports the UN Refugee Agency's humanitarian work to protect and assist refugees around the world. We strive to meet the needs of the world's most vulnerable people, building support and awareness in the United States for UNHCR's life-saving relief programs. Established by concerned American citizens, USA for UNHCR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Every minute, 8 people flee their homes to escape war, violence and ... Más información

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