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TNC China Program

de Nature Conservancy

Since The Nature Conservancy launched our China program in 1998, we have worked to protect China’s most important lands and waters. Our achievements and our partnerships now provide a strong foundation for us to address China’s growing conservation challenges.

Currently, we are working on five main areas including Climate Change, Land, Freshwater, City, and Ocean in more than seven provinces: Yunnan, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong.

In 2008, we launched the Yangtze River Program with China Three Gorges Corporations to secure the health and biodiversity of the river, and develop sustainable agriculture.

For wildlife conservation, The Nature Conservancy is protecting precious species and the land that wildlife depends on, including the national figure Panda, Yunnan Golden Monkey, Asian Elephant, and Pangolin.

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