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Matthew Talbot Hostel

par St. Vincent De Paul Society NSW

The Matthew Talbot Hostel provides accommodation and specialised support to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The service aims to provide immediate support and accommodation for people at the time of crisis as well as facilitate access to other essential services and more permanent housing. These services range from provision of nutritional meals, clothing, showers and basic medical to intensive case management, legal and housing support, specialised health care, advocacy and providing a safe, welcoming environment for people who are sleeping rough and have experienced trauma. The hostel employs a multi-disciplinary team, allowing for a coordinated and client centered approach to care and support.

The Hostel caters for men over the age of 21, who are in need of temporary accommodation and/or other support. In addition to the 98 beds, other services offered through the facility are accessed by more than 35,000 men each year. These include a primary health care medical clinic, chapel, pastoral care, counselling and basic facilities.

Demand for beds at the Hostel is high. On average 45 people sleep outside in the vicinity of the hostel and are encouraged by hostel caseworkers in collaboration with the City of Sydney outreach service to engage in casework plans and accommodation offers.

The hostel’s clinic provides a range of health services to around 100 men each day. These services include medical, psychiatric, optometry, and podiatry care. After discharge from hospital or release from prison, clients referred to the hostel for accommodation are reviewed by the clinic staff to ensure continuity of care and follow up services are provided. The kitchen at the hostel serves around 620 hot meals each day.

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