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American Red Cross of Hawaii - 54004


The American Red Cross in Hawaii prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.

The American Red Cross of Hawaii provides the following programs and services in the State of Hawaii:
-Disaster Relief
-Safety Training
-Military (Service to the Armed Forces)
-International Services
-Community Events and Presentations (speaker requests)

With the threat of flu pandemic, terrorist attacks, and major natural and man-made disasters, the American Red Cross is more relevant and necessary than ever before. It is not “if,” but “when” a major disaster in Hawaii will occur, and with your help, we'll be ready. We are not a government agency and must rely on the generosity of Hawaii’s people to provide these critical services to our community.

Mahalo to all of our Red Cross donors and volunteers for helping us perpetuate our humanitarian legacy for future generations.

Comment fonctionnent les dons
Cliquez sur le bouton « Faire un don maintenant », puis décidez du montant de votre don. Vous serez alors dirigé vers le traitement de paiement de votre choix. Une fois votre don traité, il sera envoyé à l'organisme caritatif de votre choix.

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