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National Food Solutions

par Food Banks Canada/Banques Alimentaires Canada

Food Banks Canada’s mission is to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow. To relieve hunger today, we support a network of over 4,700 food banks and community food agencies across Canada. To end hunger tomorrow, we seek to understand the issues that underlie the need for food banks, and advocate for solutions to hunger in the future.

One in eight households in Canada is struggling to put food on the table. We continue to work hard to increase the amount of nourishing food for the food banking network shares with Canadians experiencing food insecurity by expanding and diversifying food acquisition channels. With your support, we can continue to do so much more to get fresh, healthy food to food banks across Canada to support families in need from coast to coast to coast.

Your support of our National Food Sharing System will allow us to continue to acquire safe, nutritious, good quality food and transport the food we acquire, distributing it equitably to our network of affiliated food banks.

Together, we can ensure that local food banks are there for households in need, providing nutritious food, peace of mind, and the support of a caring community this fall, and all year long. Thank you so much for bringing hope to the table for so many families.

To learn more about our work visit:

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