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Medi Teddy Inc

Fairfield, Connecticut

Our mission is to reduce anxiety and improve the patient care experience for children who need infusions or tube feedings. Medi Teddy is a stuffed animal sleeve that covers and conceals an I.V bag from the pediatric patient receiving an infusion. It's roomy rear mesh sleeve allows for easy access and visibility. Medi Teddy provides comfort to the child by minimizing the look of the intimidating medical equipment around them, and normalizing medical care. In a recent survey, 95% of users reported an improvement in emotional well being during infusions and 46% reported a reduction in physical pain.

Medi Teddy Inc. uses donations for the purpose of manufacturing, donating, distributing and mailing Medi Teddys to children around the world who are receiving I.V. fluids, medication, blood products, or tube feedings.
The source of our funding comes from directed donations, donations, grants, and through funding from our sister, social enterprise corporation, I.V Comfort Solutions, LLC.

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