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Jersey City, New Jersey

Backpacks For Life, Inc. (“BFL”) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing a unique and personalized support system for homeless and at-risk veterans and their families. We are the support system that homeless and at-risk veterans and their families may not have but can count on. BFL believes in applying a non-linear approach to addressing the many obstacles veterans face when reintegrating into civilian life. We effectively bridge the gap between veterans and the vast resources available to them in two ways: by regularly distributing backpacks filled with supplies and resources to homeless veterans and by mentoring homeless and/or at-risk veterans.

Utilizing a two-pronged approach, we begin the process by addressing the immediate individual needs of each veteran and also by working one-on-one with them on formulating a roadmap for long-term self-sufficiency. The veterans’ immediate needs are met with a military-grade backpack that we provide them, filled with essential toiletries, supplies, and resources. Other forms of immediate aid offered depend on each veteran’s situation and may come in the form of a meal, one or two nights of ... Läs mer

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