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PWNA: Serving immediate needs. Supporting long-term solutions.


Partnership With Native Americans, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, aids remote Native American reservations, addressing food & water, health, education, emergency services, holiday support, and animal welfare, fostering food sovereignty. Less than 0.5% of US philanthropy supports Native causes. We operate through Program Partners, distributing 5 million pounds of goods annually to those facing food insecurity. Relying on individual generosity, corporate support, and grants, we deliver meaningful assistance to underserved Native and Indigenous communities throughout Indian Country, striving for self-sufficient communities.

PWNA has a strong network of hundreds of reservation programs (our Program Partners). We work through these partners to bring much-needed relief to an average of 250,000 Native Americans annually.
• PWNA partnerships reach remote reservation communities that most Americans never see, and most organizations cannot reach — whether due to geography, a need for reservation contacts or cultural competency, or a lack of information about specific needs.
• PWNA’s reservation partners ensure goods make their way directly into the hands of the people who need them.

To make a difference in such a wide service area, PWNA relies on the generosity of individuals concerned about their neighbors' well-being, along with corporations and foundations able to award grants or donate goods in bulk. We deliver the donated and purchased goods to our Program Partners, who distribute them in their communities.

Our Vision: Strong, self-sufficient Native American communities.

Our Mission: Serving immediate needs. Supporting long-term solutions.

Donate today and help us continue our support of these isolated and underserved communities!

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