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Donate to Surfrider Foundation to reduce plastic pollution

Help preserve our oceans and beaches by reducing plastic pollution

Om den här Gåvomöjlighet

Make a stand for clean oceans and beaches by donating to Rise Above Plastics with Surfrider Foundation. With 177 local chapters and clubs, 125 active campaigns, and a proven track record of successes, this volunteer-driven nonprofit works to ensure clean water, healthy ocean and coastlines and accessible beaches for all to enjoy by finding lasting solutions to the threats our ocean faces. A donation of $25 will protect 25 feet of coastline. MSN Causes is proud to support the activities of Surfrider and invites you to help with your donation today. 


Välgörenhetsprojekt i den här Gåvomöjlighet

Rise Above Plastics efter SURFRIDER FOUNDATION

San Clemente, California, 92673, United States

Så här fungerar donationer
Klicka på knappen ”Donera nu” och bestäm sedan donationsbelopp. Du kommer att vidarebefordras till din valda betalningsprocessor. När donationen behandlats skickas den till den välgörenhetsorganisation du valt.

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